Chef Wan Kritik Majlis Resepsi 12 Juta Memey & Norman

Walaupun majlis resepsi pasangan Memey Suhaiza dan Norman Hakim menelan belanja jutaan ringgit, dan di tambah dengan mengimport 7 tan bunga segar berwarna putih dari New Zealand, Belanda dan China untuk menghiasi Dewan Nirwana, Hotel Crowne Plaza, Kuala Lumpur. Namun, ada segelintir pihak di khabarkan tidak berpuas hati dengan majlis yang diadakan, berikutan sifat Memey dan Norman yang terlalu mengikut rentak penaja sehinggakan terdapat lagu Choir ala greja dan ramai juga orang islam, khabarnya terkejut dengan dendangan lagu choir tersebut. Ada juga, ura-ura mengatakan yang majlis mereka memang mengikut adat kristian, berikutan pengapitnya lebih dari 2 orang, di tambah pula dengan pakaian seperti perkahwinan di greja, juga tanpa sebarang doa selamat di bacakan. Antara yang paling menyerlah mengkritik ialah selebriti masakan kita, Chef Wan. Berikut antara kritikan Chef Wan di facebook miliknya.
"Just got back from the Wedding of Norman Hakim and Memey.If u asked me for my honest opinion is just a wedding that Rafelessia organised to promote their Products non stop the entire evening as i expected too comercialised that it ruined the event for all the guests i have spoken.Both Pengantin just play their game since its being sponsored. There nothing wrong with that except it served the purposed to used the Pengantin as their so call model la,"
"Setakat Berlian and pearls berjuta tu non of the pengantin can take the jewellery pun.Entah2 mlm ni jugak kena telanjang lepas tu Rafelessia ambil la balik simpan. Wedding gown rm500,000 by Vera Wang tu i gelak sungguh mcm Wedding gown biasa yg kecut masuk dlm washing machine depan memey tu yg i wasnt impressed at all likewise her veil mcm beli di globe silkstore! Ala di taja esok pulang la balik. So my honest opinion i really dont know what the fuss about this 12 million sponsorship is all about.
"Ala if u ada kedai barang kemas value at 50 juta stock u and u gantung kan satu baju pengantin tu sarat pun apa lah yang make it so special.Imagine on yr wedding day u need to parade with all those jewelleries for the sake of sponsors if its my kids i said No thanks.. pakai satu dua macam Siti and Rina wedding pinjam kan tu cantik kan hiasan pengantin jadi lah. Nama pun pinjam. Even among anak raja kawin depa pinjam sana sini i tahu lah masa Tengku Muda kawin dahulu for Pahang i was there.
"Ramai Press tak suka Choir yang menyanyikan lagu-lagu gereja kahwin ni kata mereka sedangkan ini Wedding orang Islam satu doa selamat pun tak buat and thema pulak Blacktie and evening dress glam habis. I am not sure about the choir song gereja ni even though i heard because i sendiri tak tahu apa itu song gereja for wedding. That what the press upset about. Aiyo mesti controversial lepas ni lah. Kita baca la media.
"If they choose their wedding to be ala2 barat so what its their choice and i dont see any problem with that. They want kelainan. Kita pun pi Wedding Traditional Melayu balik2 mcm tu pun sometime seronok tengok ke lainannya. For Example look At NAZA son wedding with Marion tu yang i went also Similar very jazzy, very modern and stylish a celebration party style of great friends and celebrities enjoying their evening. Trust me i tak baca Press Melayu kutok pun Wedding mereka. WHY?.
"I dont see it as a real wedding but more of Rafelessia throwing a party for them and use both of them to promote segala jewelleries, Lord Taylor fabulous suit on all the pengapit2 actor2 tu and bridesmaid tu that is actually beautiful and decor and great jazzy music Alhamdulilah and if the pengantin wants to celebrate their wedding in that manner what is so wrong about that. Remember wedding is a celebration of people coming together. Dont be too uptight la press2 melayu. Grow up!,"
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